Queercon Recap
Queercon in Vegas

What they say is true: there’s a community for everybody. This includes hackers and, more specifically, queer hackers. Las Vegas knows this well, as for the 13th year in a row Queercon was back in the city in early August. And we have all the fun details for you.

Queercon is part of Defcon, the annual cyber security convention that draws tens of thousands of attendees. While Queercon started off as an informal gathering during Defcon, it’s now grown to become one of its largest sub-groups. According to the Queercon website, the organization exists to gather all LGBT hackers together so “hopefully we can discover how strong our ranks really are.”

How strong were they this year? According to Vice, Queercon had so many attendees that organizers rented out “an entire 105-room block at the conference hotel and had hotel guards outside their communal suite where the party never seemed to stop.”

It’s no surprise, really, as Queercon has a reputation for putting on the best parties at Defcon. A highlight event has to be their annual pool party, one of the most well-attended events at the convention. According to organizers, this year the event featured: 

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“Go-go’s from West Hollywood and Vegas, internationally acclaimed DJ Bret Law (Seattle), Skittish and Bus (Salt Lake City), and DJ Mass Effect (San Francisco).  Drawing in over 3500 Defcon attendees, the pool party rocked the Blu Pool at Bally’s until 3:00 AM.  Over a 100 beach balls filled the pool for an epic beach ball fight that lasted for hours.”

But Queercon isn’t just about partying. Outreach matters too. This year, Queercon hosted Defcon’s first ever transgender meet up. Organizers say the turnout was “overwhelming”.

Just as overwhelming? The love Queercon badges received.

Queercon uses technology to “facilitate a deeper level of group interaction.” A brilliant way to achieve this is through the use of electronic badges. Organizers encourage attendees to “hack, modify, and alter the badges in unique and interesting ways.” Each badge is designed to allow interfacing with other badges. And one of the coolest things about these squid-shaped badges? The various “hats” you can accessorize with!

Queercon “provides a radically inclusive space for LGBTQ attendees,” writes Vice. We agree and can’t wait for next year.