Agenda Item 4.02 GENDER DIVERSE Pulled
Clark County School District
Clark County School District

A very large crowd formed inside and outside of the Edward A. Greer Education Center for a regular meeting of the Clark County School District Board of Trustees. Many attended to show their support for discussions and policies in regards to gender diverse students which was scheduled as Agenda Item 4.02.  

When it was time to discuss scheduled agenda item 4.02, Clark County School District Board of Trustees President, Deanna L. Wright stated, "Per our attorney, I need to take a recess for this meeting. Trustees, I need you all in the back room please."

After a 19 minute meeting, Deanna returned stating, "Thank you, everyone, for letting us consult with our attorneys. After hearing from Mary Anne Miller who is our attorney for the district attorneys office and our attorney for the school district", "We will be pulling agenda item 4.02 tonight."

The announcement was followed by many gender diverse policy supporters vocalizing their disappointment. Deanna continued, "We will have another meeting at a larger venue at another date and time."

Attorney Mary Anne Miller was overheard saying, “There’s just too many people outside.” 

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Agenda Item 4.02
GENDER DIVERSE. Review and discussion of the recommendations from the gender diverse working group indicating the need for a policy, regulation, and guidelines for gender diverse students; and possible action to direct staff to create a policy, regulation, and guidelines in support of the gender diverse working group recommendations. By direction of the Board, any changes recommended at this meeting will not be implemented unless adopted by the public policy review process at a regular meeting of the Board of School Trustees. (For Possible Action)